Miles Franklin Preschool

Miles Franklin Preschool offers a play based approach to learning within a stimulating and supportive environment. Please visit our DropBox to download the current Preschool Handbook.

Who is eligible?

Children who turn four years of age, on or before 30th April are eligible to attend preschool.

When and where do I enrol?

Enrolments are accepted through the online enrolment form on the Directorate's website from the first day of Term 2 of the year prior to your child starting preschool. Please go to:

What are the session times?

At Miles Franklin Preschool we currently offer the following 15 hour sessions:

About Miles Franklin Preschool

The preschool curriculum provides opportunities for planned and spontaneous learning experiences.

We provide programs that foster children's curiosity, creativity, cognitive abilities and problem solving skills. These plans take into consideration their current interests, stage of development and life experiences.

We value the involvement of the children, their families and staff from our local and wider community, in the journey towards life long learning.

Preschool Policies and Procedures

Please visit our Miles Franklin Primary School drop box to access the Preschool Policies and Procedures.

Directorate Policies

Area of Practice

Corresponding Regulations

ACT Education Policy

GPS Policy and Procedures

Acceptance & Refusal of Authorisations


ACT Public Preschool – Acceptance and Refusal of Authorisation Procedure

Acceptance and Refusal of Authorisations Procedure

Dealing with Complaints


ACT Public Preschool – Complaints Procedure
CECA contact details

Preschool Complaints Resolution Procedure

Preschool Communication and Feedback Procedure

Delivery & Collection of Children

168, 99

ACT Public Preschool – Delivery and Collection of Children Procedures

Delivery and Collection of Children Procedure

Early Collection of Child Form

Authorisation Form

Emergency and Evacuation

168, 97

ACT Public Preschool – Emergency Planning and Fire Safety Procedure

ACT Public Preschool letter risk minimisation communication plan template

2023 School Emergency Management Plan

Unexpected and immediate Closure of the Preschool site Procedure

Extreme weather procedure

Emergency Procedures

Enrolment & Orientation

168, 158

ACT Public Preschool – Enrolment and Orientation Procedure for Preschool

ACT Public Preschool Transition procedure

Orientation to Kindergarten Information

Orientation to Preschool information

Preschool Enrolment and Orientation Procedures

Early Entry to Preschool Procedure



Gifted and Talented

GPS Preschool Parent Handbook 2022

Timeline for ACT Public School Enrolment


168, 100, 102

ACT Public Preschool – Excursion Procedure

Excursion Planning Procedures

Excursion Note Template

Risk Assessment Template

First Aid

168, 137, 136 (2), 94, 90, 89

ACT Public Preschool – Medical Conditions Procedure

ACT Education First Aid Policy

First Aid Policy - Education (

ACT Public Preschool incident/ injury/ trauma or illness record

ACT Public Preschool administration of medication record

Asthma Management Procedure

Anaphylaxis Management Procedure

Administration of Medication Procedure

Allergies and Anaphylaxis Procedure

Preschool Health and Safety First Aid Procedure

Medical Conditions Procedure

Governance & Management

181, 168, 150

ACT Public preschool determining the nominated supervisor, responsible person and educational leader procedure

Access to student records guidelines and procedure

Governance & Management Procedure

Storage of Confidential information Procedure

Determining Responsible Person Procedure

Incident, injury, trauma, illness

168, 85, 86, 87, 88

Responding to Student Accidents/Incidents

ACT Public Preschool – Medical Conditions Procedure

ACT Education First Aid Policy

First Aid Policy - Education (

Head Lice Policy

First Aid Training Procedure

Preschool Injury/Incident Flowchart

Infectious Disease Procedure

Handwashing Procedure

Head Lice Procedure

Nose Wiping Procedure

If a Child Becomes Unwell Procedure

ACT Public Preschool Incident Injury Trauma or Illness Record

Interactions with Children

168, 155, 156

ACT Public Preschool- Interacting with children guidelines

ACT Public Preschool- Determining the nominated supervisor, responsible person and Educational Leader Procedure

Determining Responsible Person Procedure

Interactions with Children Procedure

Guiding Positive Behaviour Procedure

Programming and Planning Guide

Toileting and Hygiene Considerations  Procedure

Physical Activity & Small Screen Procedure

Medical Conditions

168, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96

ACT Public Preschool – Medical Conditions Procedure

Dealing with Medical Conditions Procedure

ACT Public Preschool Letter Risk Minimisation and Communication Plan

ACT Public Preschool Risk Minimisation and Communication Plan

Allergy Anaphylaxis Notice

Administration of Medication Procedure

Administrations of Medications Records

Nutrition Food & Beverages dietary requirements


ACT Public School Food and Drink Policy - Education

ACT Public Preschool – Meal times, Nutrition, Dietary Requirements, Food Handling and Storage

Nutrition and Food Safety Procedure

Cooking Procedure

Food Storage Procedure

Payment of Fees


ACT Public Preschool – Payment of fees and provision of receipt Procedure

ACT Public Preschool voluntary contributions and provision of a statement procedure

GPS Voluntary Contributions Procedure

Providing a Child Safe Environment


ACT Public Preschool – Provision of a child safe environment

ACT Public Preschool- Participation of students guidelines

ACT Public Preschool- Sleep and rest procedures

Daily Duties Checklist

End of the Day Procedure

Safety of Preschool Grounds Procedure

Child Protection & Reporting Procedure

Supervision Procedures

Sleep and Rest Procedures

Cleanliness of Preschool Equipment Procedure

Storing Dangerous Products Procedure

Managing Occupational Violence Ploicy

Occupational Violence Risk Factors

Code of Ethics



Working with vulnerable people (WWVP) registration (

ACT Public preschool staffing guidelines

Preschool Staffing Procedure

Preschool Volunteer and Visitor Procedure

Position Descriptors Procedure

Staff Record Cover Sheets

Sun Protection


UV Sun Protection Policy

SunSmart Procedures

GPS SunSmart Poster

Applying Sunscreen Procedure

Water Safety


Swimming and Water Park Aquatic Activities Policy - Education

ACT Public Preschool water safety procedure

Preschool Water Safety Procedure